The size of the completed box will be approximately 6x4x4 cm, when printed on a full A4 or Letter size page. Click on the picture to open the template in .png format:

The printed template can be glued onto heavier paper or cardboard before cutting and folding, leaving it to the inner side of the box. Alternatively, it can be used only for drawing the lines onto decorative paper or cardboard.
Tip for folding: use a ruler or the edge of the table to get a straight folding line. Smooth and finish the folded edge using something like scissor handles.

The outside of the box can be decorated with paper, fabric, buttons, flowers, embellishments, drawings... anything you like.

Punch holes where indicated, gather the punched top edges starting with the smaller box sides, and complete with a ribbon. Don't forget to add the gift before that!
This box is also on CraftGawker.